Category: Movies
Genre: Foreign
We have no doubt.
I really like the scene when little Jamal was flushing/digesting his "waste" (calling by nature) in their public toilet with his elder brother (Salim) waiting outside and when his popular star icon/idol was coming to their place for a shoot, his naughty brother blocked the door for fun. The only thing he did was to escape (while holding his idol's photo on his hand) through a wide hole where their wastes flow - eewww. He succeeded and quickly ran to his idol just for an autograph signing. After, however, his brother sold the signed photo just for coins. Here, we can see how this poor – I mean unwealthy, people as young as Jamal strive hard for a simple joy and happiness.
Moreover, the scene that really caught our attention is when the whole cast were all dancing and singing while showing the movie credits simultaneously - in fairness, they are all good dancers! I think singing and dancing clips are typical scenes we can see in their (Indians') movie.